Monday, June 11, 2007

May be I still believe

Oya, menyambung postingan sebelumnya soal perasaan gw yg masih-gimanaaa-gitu klo ketemu dia, kebetulan beberapa hari lalu gw dengar lagu ini & kayaknya cocok bgt ma gw.

Mariah Carey- "I still believe"

You look in my eyes
and I get emotional inside.
I know it's crazy but
you still can touch my heart.
And after all this time
you'd think that I wouldn't feel the same.
But time melts into nothing,
and nothing has changed.
I still believe someday you and me
will find ourselves in love again.
I have a dream someday you and me
will find ourselves in love again.
Each day of my life
I'm filled with all the joy I could find.
You know that I,
I'm not the desperate type.
If there's one spark of hope
left in my grasp
I'll hold it with both hands.
It's worth the risk of burning
to have a second chance.
And oh, no no no no no,
I need you, baby.
I still believe that we can be together.
No no no.
If we believe that true love
never has to end,
then we must know that we will love again
Oh, I still believe someday you and me
will find ourselves in love again.
Oh, baby, yeah yeah.
I had a dream you and me
will find ourselves in love again.
(repeat and fade)

Setelah gw pikir-pikir lagi, mungkin gw masih merinding-merinding-gak-jelas lo ketemu dia karena gw masih punya 'harapan' dan 'keyakinan' klo 'nantinya' gw akan bisa dapetin dia. Mungkin deep-deep-deep-inside-my-heart, gw yakin klo suatu saat nanti gw akan berjodoh sama dia. Hhhh...

Menurut kalian gimana? Atau mungkin ada yg punya pengalaman dan bisa di-share ma gw?

Note : ada yg punya mp3 lagu ini ga? Gw udah minta ma Mbah Google tp blom dapat.


Unknown said...

Congratulatións by graduation!

me said...

Thank you. *sambil mikir, kayaknya postingan ttg kelulusan bukan yg ini deh :p*